Très Portrait 尚希 初始化无性别设计师品牌 极致肖像

发布时间 2019年11月29日 12:53    编辑:fashion    来源:网络 资讯 » 潮流




Très Portrait,立足追求女性个体价值美学的深圳本土设计师品牌,2017在深圳蛇口创立,意为极致的肖像,起源于品牌创始人想象当下与未来女性的模样,刻画了一群追求极致的女性群像。在她的意识里,追求极致即是承认不完美的存在,却又不妥协的一种表现。 基于这种理解下,延伸出更多的女性特质。品牌寻找真实本性和生命塬点,大道至简的设计理念,使设计达到超越男女界限的纯粹状态,回归原始的事物本质。

Très Portrait, S/S series of 2020 "City Portrait" isinspired by where DONGNI LEE works and lives every day: Shekou.

We followed herwalking along the old streets of Shekou, shoulder-to-shoulder, into passion of life.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, we were surprised to find that therestill retains the most primitive and straightforward atmosphere of SHENZHEN here. She feels that this breath has a certain degree of connection with the simpleand straightforward features that she loves. Therefore, through theunderstanding of Shekou, she portrayed the female image from her mind, whichwas first released in the media. In the blockbuster image, the model has a cooltemperament and firm eyes; in the ready-to-wear, the simple and straightforwardcharacteristics are manifested in every fold, every line, and all details arekept in just the right proportion.

Très Portrai 2020春夏系列

Très Portrait was founded in Shekou, Shenzhen, in July 2017. It means the ultimate portrait. It originated from thebrand founder DONGNI LEE, imagining the present and future, and depicting agroup of women who pursue the ultimate in fashion. In her consciousness, thepursuit of the ultimate is a manifestation of acknowledging imperfectionswithout compromising. Based on this understanding, more feminine qualities areextended.

Très Portrait 2020春夏系列「城市肖像」灵感源于DONGNI LEE每天工作和生活的地方:蛇口。我们跟随她行走于摩肩接踵的蛇口老街,融入一片人间烟火。在一片熙熙攘攘之中,我们惊奇的发现,原来这里还保留了深圳最原始直白的气息。她觉得这种气息与她喜爱的简约直白特质有一定程度的关联。于是,通过对蛇口的理解刻画了她心目中的女性形象,首次在媒体公开发布。


“简约、直白”是Très Portrait 2020S/S 的核心关键词。在本系列中,以西装、衬衫等基本单品为基础,线条经过严谨的改良,强调肩部线条,显现收放自如的简洁廓型,让女性也能穿出男性的利落型格,模糊界线,拥抱无性别的穿着美学,倡导当代独立女性从内而外获得身心的自由与舒适。如此而来,极致的直白与简约,让心灵倏忽宁静,回归本我,真实动人的力量便伴随脚步而来。

"Simple and straightforward" isthe core keyword of Très Portrait 2020S / S. In this series, based on basicitems such as suits and shirts, the lines have been rigorously improved,emphasizing the lines on the shoulders, and showing the simple and flexiblesilhouette, so that women can also wear the neat style of men and blurBoundaries, embrace the gender-free dressing aesthetics, and advocate forcontemporary independent women to gain body and mind freedom and comfort fromthe inside out. In this way, the ultimate straightforwardness and simplicitymake the mind silent and quiet, return to the self, and the real moving powercomes with the steps.


设 计 师 简 介

Designer Profile

DONGNI LEE毕业于意大利顶级艺术学院,为人安静,拥有数年女装品牌设计的工作经历,曾任职于玛丝菲尔、例外等高端品牌,与Dior(迪奥)高级定制团队及山本耀司工作者共事学习制版立裁。行事风格深受道家哲学影响,奉行大道至简的做人智慧与设计理念。

DONGNI LEE graduated from Italy's top artschool, she is quiet, has several years of work experience in women's clothingbrand design, has worked for Marisfrolg(玛丝菲尔), the exceptions and other high-endbrands, worked with Dior(迪奥) advanced customization team and Yamamoto Yoshijiworkers to learn platemaking . The style of acting is deeply influenced byTaoist philosophy, and pursues the simple wisdom and design concept of life.


Stylist: Très Portrait

Make-up/Hair: 凯文@D+BUEUTY

Model: Kris@FM

Season: Très Portrait 2020SS collection

春夏 迪奥 跟随